Sunday, June 7, 2015


Went to Queluz.
It is a small.. or not that small town in the Sintra district. 
Lived here for a few years, first with the parents, then by myself. It's such a nice area in my opinion.
I always focus so much on Sintra itself that I forget that it has another places nearby that have great architecture, museums and gardens to visit. 

This is the Palácio de Queluz.

You can see more information about it HERE!!!

It's being revamped so expect some mess and not-so-awesome view of the gardens due to that. 
But it's still a great walk around, if you feel like it.

They have a "happy hour" price, until October, which is awesome, from 15h till 18h, you can visit the gardens and the palace itself for 8€. Not bad, not bad. 


If you feel like grabbing some food nearby and you don't feel like walking too much, I can recommend the Grão de Café, Folha de Chá
You can also check their Facebook Page
I'll try to post some pictures soon-ish.


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